About the project

Tell Fecheriye is situated in Northeast Syria. Since 2005, a German-Syrian research project has been conducting excavations at the mound. In order to present the team’s results to a wide audience, we were asked to design the official website and logo.

Our main goal was to present the extensive archaeological data in a clearly-arranged way, so that specific information could be easily located throughout the website in German, English, and Arabic.

Additionally, a complete project bibliography is given, and each of the website’s articles is downloadable as a PDF file in German, English, and/or Arabic.

An overview of the site is offered through an interactive map, and the scientific data is enriched by numerous pictures of the excavation and its participants.


  • Bonatz, D./Bartl, P./Gilibert, A./Jauß, C. 2008: Bericht über die erste und zweite Grabungskampagne in Tell Feheriye 2006 und 2007, MDOG 140, 89-135.
  • Bonatz, D. in print: Tell Fekheriye in the Late Bronze Age. Archaeological investigations into the structures of political governance in the Upper Mesopotamian Piedmont.
  • McEwan, C. et al. 1958: Soundings at Tell Fakhariyah, OIP 79, Chicago.
  • Moortgat, A. 1956: Vorläufige Berichte über eine Grabung auf dem Tell Fecherije 1955, AAS 6, 39-50.
  • Pruss, A./ Bagdo, ‘Abd al-Masih 2002: Tell Fecheriye. Bericht über die erste Kampagne der deutsch-syrischen Ausgrabungen 2001, MDOG 134, 311-329.