Not all models are the same. When we create 3D visualisations, we build (model) these virtual data in a way, that is helpful to us when creating stills or animations. Sometimes, we build only certain views and sometimes we need to be very exact when we create our models and add a lot of detail. […]
From November 2019 to May 2020, the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University in association with Princton University, showcased an exhibition called “A Wonder to Behold: Craftmanship and the Creation of Babylon’s Ishtar Gate”. This book is the exhibtion catalogue and features one of our images!
For the 50th anniversary issue of “Antike Welt”, a German Special-Interest magazine about archaeology, several reconstruction projects had been asked to contribute their recent results in form of a short article. The topics cover Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome and many more. 24 projects are combined in this extraordinary issue. We have been asked to contribute with […]
The visualisation of the pre-dynastic center of Uruk is actually nearly five years old, but we never put it in our portfolio. Due to our new design, we also update our project list, even if the projects are a bit older.
Our latest project: The reconstruction of the Riemchen-Building in Uruk. This small, but unique building is finally online. Have fun, enjoy and share! The Riemchen-Building on
One of our reconstructions got published in an article by Gunvor Lindström about the Oxos Temple in Tadzhikistan. The project page of that project is still not on our main site, but I am sure it will follow soon. In the meantime, you can give the article a read, it is in deed interesting. The […]
We have been published again, this time also on the cover of the recent “Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial” about the emergence of cities. Today the deposit copies arrived and we are very proud.
As part of the Ancient Near East section at, you can learn a lot about the Sumerian culture. One article is dedicated to the Anu Zuggurat and the White Temple in Uruk. We provided our reconstructions to illustrate that article and for everybody to understand better the complex architecture of that time. Take a […]
The current issue of the French magazine “Les Cahiers Science & Vie: Histoire et Civilisations” features two of our reconstructions of Uruk. On the bottom left you can see the reconstruction of Architectural Layer 8 and on the bottom right you’ll see the Eanna ziggurat of the Ur-III period. The issue is dedicated to the […]
Finally, we can release our latest project: The reconstruction of the Great Hall of Karakorum. This medieval Buddhist temple was built upon a complicated terrace, but read for yourselves on our portfolio page. Oh, and there is also a nearly 8 minute long animation explaining the site, terrace, conservation management and reconstruction! The visualisation of […]
In the current issue of the German magazine “Archäologie Weltweit”, one of our reconstructions of the Oxus Temple is featured! The project of the Oxus Temple is not online on our website yet, but we will change that soon. You can have a look at the magazine for free here.
This project was completed last year and I finally found the time to bring it online. Building E of Uruk is one of the biggest buildings of the ancient city and most certainly one of the most interesting ones. Check out our description and more pictures. Building E on