After over two years of silence, we revive this blog! It has been a long time since we wrote something in the blog and occasionally updated our portfolio. This is due to several reasons, mainly a lot has changed for us and we needed to structure our work with Artefacts differently. In the background, we still worked on and with Artefacts though and still continue to do so.
For a while now we wanted to change our website to offer more material and higher resolutions for the images, because we know that you use our stuff in teaching (schools and universities) a lot. We are very happy about this and want to support this even more. This is why we restructured our website and provided all the images in higher resolutions. You’ll also find all our animations directly on vimeo or on this handy little sub-page. As long as it is for educational purposes, feel free to use them.
You might notice, that we changed our webiste from bi-lingual (German/English) to English only. This is due to the international audience we have and the need to save us some time. We therefore offer everything only in English from now on and don’t have to worry about any translations. We hope this is all right for our German readers.
One inconvenience remains: Due to our restructuring, all the internal links to the sites changed. Everything is still there, but if you have linked to our webpage in the past, good chances are, that these links don’t work anymore. We are truly sorry for this and hope we don’t cause too much work for you.
Let us know if you like the new design and enjoy looking around!